Sunday, December 17, 2006

Evan Bayh of Indiana is "OUT OF IT"

This is what golfers call a gimme. In this case, it's a fookin' Christmas gift.

Evan Bayh, the Indiana-based U. S. Senator, has just announced that he will officially DROP OUT of the Democrat presidential race for 2008.

All I can say, as a politically active Republican American from Indiana, is "Thanks, Evan. We hardly knew ye, but yere misguided and confused stands on matters like our gun rights were not persuasive enough to guarantee that enemies -- like old maid Paul Helmke and his paranoid/alarmist mob -- would be properly and justifiably neutralized during a Bayh presidency."

I guess you should have made me some more promises if you wanted into the Big Game. I don't hate a moderate Democrat, but I do hate one who passes more despicable regulations upon Americans' gun rights.

I still wonder whether you possessed the guts to tell a loose cannon Hoosier politician like Helmke to go to hell on gun control.

I fear you would have felt compelled to GIVE Helmke something. And that would have been out of the question, sir.

............... Out -- of -- the -- question. ---------- Am I getting through ?

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